Where’s your antimatter at?
Image:Graphic Stock/ Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton
In my first book, Punk Science I described how areas of the universe are made up of matter which we are familiar but also the universe is made up of antimatter.
The process of these coming together to make light in the form of gamma-rays is a process that occurs in black holes which I have described before, but did you know it may be key in your own life?
Building on the work of Dr John Demartini, author of The Breakthrough Experience, I also realised that the antimatter region of your own self may represent your shadow emotions – those aspects of you that you do not want to face.
Life, however will provide you with opportunities with which to face your shadow self – this is what we call the journey of life. It is how we handle these events that determines the level of transformation that they give us.
I hear a lot of spiritual teachers, some of them very famous, who tell you to ignore your emotions and people who may bother you in life. I teach the exact opposite; it is in the difficult events and people where the real treasure lies.
These events hold the clues to your own shadow self and emotions and it is by integrating your matter and antimatter in your own consciousness that you can increase the light in your being – just like in a galactic black hole!
This quick exercise can help you to integrate your shadow self and emotions.
If you would like to know more about the links between the science of the cosmos and your own life check out Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of spirituality. You can find out more about the course here.