by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | Jan 13, 2021 | Paradigm Revolution, Punk Science, Science
Despite the fact that The Black Hole Principle has successfully predicted many aspects of the universe and solved some major problems in astrophysics, some mainstream scientists may still have some hurdles to get over before taking the theory on board. In this article, we examine three barriers to The Black Hole Principle.

1. Consciousness is Fundamental to the Universe
The Black Hole Principle actually rests on the concept that consciousness is fundamental in the universe. This explains why we are unable to see beyond the Perception Horizon.
The light beyond this barrier represents vibrations of consciousness that are beyond what we call the speed of light which is beyond our normal perception. I am saying that this is the region of dark matter and dark energy.

Consciousness as fundamental is a conclusion that some physicists have made about Quantum physics that solves the so-called measurement problem – that the wave-function collapses into a point particle when we measure it. Some physicists have concluded that consciousness is therefore fundamental to the universe.

This is what The Black Hole Principle is also predicated on, that there are many levels of consciousness to the universe and we usually are only aware of what we call 3D.
2. The Speed of Light is not the limit of the Universe
I have just mentioned it but another hurdle is that The Black Hole Principle says that what we call the speed of light is not the limit of the universe and in fact, Einstein said that nothing with mass can go faster than the speed of light.

That is still correct. The speed of light renamed the Perception Horizon, is the point where the light coming from the centre of the black hole becomes matter.
Because mainstream scientists don’t understand that there are vast worlds beyond the speed of light, it makes it difficult for them to understand how massive releases of energy can occur such as in Fast Radio Bursts.

But when you understand that beyond-the-speed-of-light processes are coming into areas below the speed of light, it makes more sense.
3. It’s coming from outside of physics
Another hurdle is that The Black Hole Principle is coming from outside the scientific establishment. Although scientists such as theoretical physicist, Neil Turok admit that they are running out of ideas, they are still not open to them coming from outside of academia even if these ideas do solve their problems.
I am a medical doctor, not a physicist and I believe it is because I am not too attached to the mainstream narrative that the theory came to me in the first place.
In Punk Science TV, I have been highlighting lots of the issues facing modern astrophysics and the findings that don’t fit their theories. As this data comes flooding in, maybe we will see a change and mainstream scientists can get over these hurdles to embrace The Black Hole Principle.
Can you think of any more hurdles they might have? Please comment below this video. Thank you for watching and hope to see you next time.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | May 13, 2020 | Punk Science, Science, Simply Divine
A New Scientist article, published in May 2020 suggests that the whole universe may be Conscious.
The Hard Problem
Science still doesn’t understand how we can experience..anything!
It is sometimes called the hard problem of consciousness – how all these neurons and chemicals in our brain give rise to our inner experiences.
Now some Mathematicians think they have made a breakthrough.
We will be discussing the New Scientist article on this subject in this episode of Punk Science TV.
I’ve got IIT
This new, mathematical theory of consciousness is called Integrated Information theory or IIT.
It says that a system’s consciousness arises from the way information moves between subsystems.
You can see neurons as islands of subsystems.

According to this theory, consciousness appears when the information flow between these subsystems is complex enough to make the islands interdependent.
Changing the flow of information on one island affects all the others.
How well a system integrates information is given a value called phi.
The higher the phi the more consciousness a system will display.
An example of a situation in which this theory works well is when contrasting the cerebrum and cerebellum. Cerebral damage affects our consciousness more because it has a lot of connections – so its phi value is high.

The Cerebellum isn’t so well connected, so damage doesn’t have as much effect on the conscious experience.
The theory has its drawbacks too.
- A major one is that the value of phi actually can increase in our sleep.
- It also still doesn’t explain our inner experiences, how does this theory explain our experience of the smell of coffee for example.
- Some inanimate systems have more consciousness than humans.

Usually, the concept of inanimate objects or even the whole universe having the property of consciousness is just dismissed but, in this article, they discuss that particles may have some sort of consciousness that is fundamental and human and animal consciousness emerges from this.
The Conscious Atom
The article goes onto consider whether even electrons are conscious and how this may explain the measurement problem in physics – how the wave function collapses with our measurement or observation.
So the idea that everything might be conscious and there is something fundamental about consciousness is being discussed in mainstream science.

This idea forms the basis of The Black Hole Principle – it is the reason why we can’t see light beyond light speed – because it is beyond our normal perception. Consciousness is written into the fabric of reality.
It’s good to see mainstream scientists also discuss these issues.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | Apr 30, 2020 | Paradigm Revolution, Punk Science, Science
The End of Science?
Scientists are running out of ideas. Is it time for a new paradigm?
With so many changes going on in the world, it feels like we are coming to the close of a civilisation. In this article and video, I discuss if we are at the end of science?
The Collapse of Empire
From the Ottomans to the Roman Empire, apparently there were a few signs that heralded the demise of all civilisations.
One is the debasement of currency, another is the celebration of sporting stars or gladiators depending on your era, another is the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor and another is the rise of celebrity chefs.
I think we can agree that we have seen quite a few of these recently and it seems like massive debasement of currency is just around the corner.
With the startling events of 2020, most people in Western civilisation may be waking up to the possibility that we are seeing the beginning of the end – that the dismantling of empire is coming soon.
Where are all the breakthroughs?
And so it is with Science and its breakthroughs in the understanding of the nature of reality. Although the 20th Century seemed awash with groundbreaking ideas such as the theory of relativity and quantum physics, more recent attempts to create breakthroughs of that magnitude haven’t borne fruit.
In a visit to the Perimeter Institute in Canada, journalist Daniel Cossins reported back to New Scientist magazine in January 2019 about the state of theoretical physics and it was not entirely optimistic.
Neil Turok, the director of the Institute explained that when he entered physics in the early 80s, “it stopped being successful”. And later in the article, Turok is quoted as suggesting that we disregard the past 30 years and retrace our steps to figure out where we went wrong.
One of the key issues is the lack of one unified theory that unites the very large structures in space, such as galaxies, with the very small, such as atoms. Although certain theories in physics have been very successful at explaining some aspects of the universe.

Is there something that unites all processes from the very large such as galaxies to atoms Image: Shutterstock
We need a new paradigm
We need a new paradigm in physics. I believe that The Black Hole Principle can contribute to that new paradigm. It has successfully predicted behaviour at several levels of the universe such as antimatter from thunderstorms, water from black holes, methane on Mars and much more.
At a time when civilisation and ideas are running out, it is time to move to a new paradigm that places consciousness at the heart of both science and civilisation.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | Mar 11, 2020 | Paradigm Revolution, Punk Science, Science
The Biggest Ever Explosion in the Universe
Astronomers have recently found the biggest explosion in the universe ever recorded. Or is it?
Astronomers recently reported that they had found the biggest explosion ever in the universe that they have ever found so far. It has punched a hole in the centre of a huge galaxy 390 million light-years away.
It’s estimated that the explosion had the power of 10 million times the lifetime energy output of the sun.
But is it an explosion?
Let’s look at some of the features.
- It’s in the vicinity of a black hole.
- It contains electrons at just below the speed of light
- It created a concentrated jet.
Conventional scientists say that this explosion was created by in-falling material on top the black hole that was then accelerated out. But they are quite vague as to how a black hole actually does this.
In their minds, black holes are supposed to be sucking everything in so why is stuff exploding out?
They admit they don’t know what is going on.
Everything becomes clearer with The Black Hole Principle.
We expect jets of electrons to be emitted from black holes at just below the speed of light because they have only just entered our dimensions. This is accompanied by various types of radiation including radio waves.
This is obviously another Black Hole Principle event
Why is this event so powerful? It is powered by infinite light in higher dimensions that reaches our dimension via a black hole. When the light slows down it gives off these emissions often as beams of electrons at the speed of light because they have only just slowed down to our dimensions.

We need to stop pretending that we know everything about our universe. There is a lot that we do not know. It lies beyond the speed of light. That is where these extreme energies are coming from.
It’s quite humbling really. It’s not an explosion but the effortless power of the universe creating itself from infinity.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | Feb 15, 2018 | Punk Science, Simply Divine
Sometimes other dimensions can appear quite dramatically into this one. This time, I am going to discuss the time I woke up to see an alien in my bedroom.
The Perfect Life?
Back in early 2002, my life was very different to how it is now. I lived in a smart area of the UK just outside of London, I was working as a doctor, my husband was a doctor; he had just acquired a sports car and we had our own townhouse by the canal.
From the outside, we looked like the perfect, successful young couple. But the cracks had long been appearing. Ironically it was the initial success of the marriage I had entered into in 1995 that had given me the safe place to grow and I ended up changing dramatically. My spiritual growth had accelerated to the point that my husband no longer understood me and I was also deeply unhappy in a medical job that reflected the reductionist, fear-based paradigm.
Little did I know that this dissatisfaction at my life was part of a greater perspective orchestrated by other levels of consciousness that, even now, I still don’t fully understand. But I guess this is why, in around February 2002, I awoke to find an alien in my bedroom.
The Night Visitor
I was sleeping in bed with my husband and around 2-3am I awoke to find I was sleeping on my right side which was unusual and had the distinct sensation that someone was rummaging around in my back! I had the strange sensation of there being fingers actually inside my back which was hot but I wouldn’t say I was burning.
And in front of me was a strange sight. I can only seem to describe it as a blue blob that had a swirling within it. It looked to me almost like a water cooler bottle on its side. And it was edging, amoeba-like, out of the door. One of my immediate thoughts was that I didn’t understand why it had to use the door as it was in a different dimension and surely the door did not exist in that one.
The other was, I must admit, a bit of fear. At the time, I had just starting channelling and the beings coming through me said that their collective name was Angelis. So inwardly I pleaded, “help me, Angelis”. But then a thought which felt intrusive as if from outside myself said, “how do you know this isn’t Angelis?” I realised that I didn’t know.
I tried to wake up my husband to see it, but I could not rouse him. I knew it was not meant to be – that he was not meant to see it. So I relaxed a bit watching the thing move away.
The dimensional overlay
And the rest of the room was in a sort of eerie light. I could see overlays of other dimensions onto this one. I realised the futility of what we think is property ownership. We don’t really own anything in 3-D – there are many dimensions above this one that makes all that seem so irrelevant.
For the rest of the night, my consciousness seemed to dance around the planet. I went anywhere a thought would take me. I flew over the countryside of England looking at green fields and in the state that I was in, I saw different aliens just wandering around.
There are many different types that exist in the different octaves of dimensions all around us. But we don’t normally perceive them.
I wondered if they really did land on The White House lawn, so suddenly my consciousness saw the deals done behind our back between aliens and USA government agencies.
At one point, I went to visit my friend in her flat in London and her emotional body appeared like a matrix of intersection points – some seemingly thicker than other points. I intuitively knew what the emotions were that were stuck there and helped to release them.
Journeys in consciousness

For much of the rest of the night, I had more explorations in consciousness – most of which I cannot remember. At one point I was in the jungles of Central America and being shown that many more pyramids are covered by vegetation and just waiting to be discovered.
This last revelation may be already known to you but at the time a) this wasn’t often discussed if at all and b) it wasn’t something that I knew about from my education so far. A week or so later I saw confirmation of this in an article in New Scientist. In fact, at the time of writing a news story is breaking that even more extensive Mayan ruins have been found in Guatemala.
We are all from Krypton

I also got a feeling that I understood how to move my consciousness in order to do certain feats, even some we normally associate with the comic character Superman! Have you ever seen the sections of the Superman films when other visitors from the planet Krypton discover their powers here on Earth? They can fly and they can stop a bullet. Well, these are all things we can do too!
Our bodies are made up of information and consciousness – we know this from physics. At the macro level we think we are solid but deep into the atom we are ’empty space’. What I realised in the altered state was that we can actually move this consciousness any way we want. Most of us are not at the perspective to be able to do this but some people have developed themselves enough to be able to manipulate reality, although it takes a lot of practice.
That day I realised it is possible to manipulate consciousness so that we can fly. Or even will the atoms in your own hand to come together so strongly you can stop a ‘speeding bullet’.
Implanted for Blast Off
As for the hands in my back. I somehow knew I had been implanted with a geometry of consciousness that was a triangle or pyramid. I had travelled to ancient pyramids throughout the night. Later that day, I looked up a passage in the book by Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn that discusses how we may start to be implanted with shapes including the triangle and it felt so true to me.
As you may or may not know, my life changed dramatically after that. You could say that I stepped out of the box that I had been living in so far. I wonder, but cannot know for certain, if I was somehow being prepared for the changes about to happen in my life.
If so, it is an amazing reminder of just how orchestrated our lives are at some level. I did not call in a being or even consciously wish for the changes. But somewhere in the universe, it was decided that there would be an ‘alien’ in my bedroom.
To explore more about the science of aliens and dimensions, check out Simply Divine: An Easy Guide to the Science of Spirituality where these ideas are explored in more detail.
Images: Pixabay, Shutterstock