Access your Genius – Exercise
In this exercise, which you can access by clicking on the audio stream below, you can experience how to access your Genius to solve a problem.
We are all multidimensional beings and exist beyond our physical bodies. Aspects of ourselves that we sometimes call the Higher Self, exist in consciousness levels beyond space and time.
This is where we get that intuitive sense of knowing – warnings of danger and other intuitive experiences. This is because these aspects of ourselves actually know the future.
However, we are not meant to always be in touch with this aspect consciously or we would not get anything done at all on the Earth plane.
But we can tap into this wisdom when we need to. Sometimes we can do this to get the solution to a problem we may be facing. In this exercise I will take you through the steps of accessing your inner wisdom to solve a problem.
Image: Shutterstock
Please let me know how this exercise has helped you in the comments below.
For more on The Genius Groove: The New Science of Creativity click here.