New mysterious gravitational waves are being detected. Are they coming from Betelgeuse and is it about to go supernova? This time we are discussing gravitational waves and the Betelgeuse mystery.
You may have seen in the news a few years ago that scientists detected gravitational waves, which are fluctuations in Spacetime itself. It was believed that these waves were created when two neutron stars collided and merged.
These gravitational waves are lasting a much shorter time than the previous ones and at first, people thought it might be down to Betelgeuse, one of the stars in the Orion Constellation that has dimmed considerably in the last few months with people speculating that is might be about to ‘go supernova’ and explode.
Other theories are that black holes which are colliding or eating neutron stars might be causing these signals and scientists helpfully create images like the ones in the video that allow us to visualise this.
Shattering illusions
I hate to shatter your illusions, but nobody has directly imaged one of these neutron star collisions or any of the other exotic events that are supposed to be responsible for the gravitational waves that are being detected by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory).
They are simply making these inferences from the amount of energy that is given out. When you see images of neutron stars colliding, these movies are Computer Generated in much the same way as the special effects in Hollywood movies.
Neutron Stars colliding
So what is happening? Are neutron star collisions really responsible for gravitational waves or is something else going on? Is it Betelgeuse after all?
A familiar pattern
The clue is what happens in the aftermath of gravitational wave release, we see gamma-ray bursts and X-rays just as we do in any typical Black Hole Principle event. I asked a scientist directly what these were and he looked uncomfortable and said they were aftershocks. The key to this is whether or not you see fluctuations in radiation coming from the same point in space much later as we do in many other situations.
This is because the radiation is not coming from an explosion or collision or any other one-off destructive event but is created by the breathing process of the Black Hole Principle. The sheer energy given out in these events is due to the fact that this process is bringing in energy from infinity!
The Black Hole Principle
The process is tapping into what lies beyond the speed of light, beyond our normal perception and what we call dark energy and dark matter. This region actually makes up the majority of the universe. There is so much of of the universe that we humans just do not know!
And this process breathes and fluctuates. So one minute an object in space will be bright and the next, dimmer. And the will seem completely arbitrary.
By understanding The Black Hole Principle, we can not only understand gravitational waves but the dimming of Betelgeuse as fluctuations in brightness, are to be expected.
This time on Punk Science TV, we are discussing the mystery of Volcano Lightning and Black Holes.
The Mystery of Volcano Lightning and Black Holes
What is volcano lightning?
How can it help us to better understand volcanoes?
What have black holes got to do with it?
Volcanic lightning remains a mystery. It is important to realise that comes from the volcano itself and happens during eruptions. We are not talking about a lightning strike from a storm that happens to hit a volcano whists it erupts.
Volcano lightning and black holes
We now know that volcano lightning is fairly common and associated with charged particles. So we need to be looking for a mechanism that is fairly universal in that is happens in every volcanic eruption.
Volcanoes cause great human devastation – we don’t know exactly how and why they erupt which means we can’t predict them either.
However, in volcanic lightning, we have the hallmarks of the Black Hole Principle.
This includes the intermittent discharges of fast-moving electrons causing lightning.
As you may know by now, the fast-moving electrons are given off by the Black Hole Principle process as light moves from higher dimensions, beyond the speed of light, into our realms below the speed of light.
I have renamed the speed of the light, The Perception Horizon as it represents the limitations of what we normally perceive about the universe.
In fact, one of the few scientific studies that have been done, show that volcanic lightning does indeed behave the same way as in thunderstorms but in miniature.
So that is how the mystery of volcano lightning is linked to black holes
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They were looking at the galaxy IC 310 and witnessed its brightness shifting over just five minutes. Bear in mind that these scientists still think that black holes are destructive so they think these emissions are caused by material being gobbled up by the black hole.
Why the sudden flare-up?
But it takes at least 25 minutes for an object to cross the event horizon in their models. So why are these variations of galactic gamma-ray lightning happening so quickly?
All can be explained by the Black Hole Principle which says that gamma-ray bursts are created intermittently by the recombination of matter and antimatter at the edge of the black hole producing jets at the speed of light.
Sometimes the process goes the other way and matter and antimatter are formed from light. The process is breathing.
The Black Hole Principle
It is this breathing process that is creating the fluctuating brightness.
Today on Punk Science TV, we shall discuss the recent findings on asteroid, Bennu and how they relate to black holes.
A surprise
I was recently at a lecture about asteroids and the person presenting said that recent explorations of the asteroid Bennu threw up some major surprises. The asteroid, Bennu is intermittently ejecting material. You can see this quote from the director of the program here.
NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development (VTAD) – Use your cursor to visualise Bennu
Why an asteroid is like a black hole
This was totally unexpected from the point of view of the astrophysicists. However, this pattern of intermittent ejection is totally in keeping with The Black Hole Principle.
Image: Pixabay
I am really excited that this new evidence is pointing to asteroids also displaying Black Hole Principle behaviour.
No conventional explanation
Whilst I was in the meeting there was a discussion that the ejections were too powerful for them to be caused by the usual suspects.
This is just the start of asteroid exploration and already asteroids are showing signs of Black Hole Principle behaviour. It’s very exciting to see what the future holds. Perhaps we will start to pick up antimatter/ matter or light emissions from asteroids too. They have already picked up carbon on the asteroid in keeping with the concept that fossil fuels are actually created by this principle. Let’s see what happens in the future.
You probably have looked at satellite images of hurricanes and marvelled at just how similar their spiral patterns are to the spirals of galaxies. Intuitively there feels there is a connection between the two as if one fundamental pattern manifests itself throughout the cosmos. But could there really be any connection between hurricanes and black holes? New evidence points towards a similar mechanism behind the creation of galaxies and the creation of hurricanes here on earth.
A universal pattern?
We see spirals in everything from galaxies to pine cones. Looking at these spirals fills us with a sense of awe that there is something beyond the physical. That there is something unseen that is geometrically unfolding itself at many levels of reality and connecting everything in the cosmos.
The wonder of spirals Image: Pixabay
When it comes to hurricanes though, we have learned to distance ourselves from that sense of wonder. The experts say there is no connection with galaxies. They say that hurricanes are formed when water heats up and combines with complex factors such as high winds. This means that they usually form over warm oceans.
Interestingly, they do not form over all warm bodies of water, so what is going on? What really triggers their formation?
The Anatomy of Hurricanes
Scientists admit that they do not know some of the basic mechanisms of hurricanes, or cyclones as they are more generally called. I have found this article, for example, which gives a few possible mechanisms behind the formation of the ‘eye’ of the storms but admits that our theories are not complete.
If you perform a quick internet search for ‘do hurricanes have lightning’ will give you seemingly certain answers that they do not. The explanation given is that the winds in hurricanes are travelling horizontally instead of vertically. So why are thunder and lightning detected in many hurricanes if they, supposedly, should not have them?
The Destruction from Hurricanes Image: Pixabay
Understanding hurricanes and violent weather, in general, is of course of great human importance. Thousands of people die every year from hurricanes and they also cause great devastation to our communities and buildings. Hurricanes are the cause of great human suffering and the better we can understand them, the more chance we have of preventing this large-scale human devastation and death.
So fudging the mechanisms really doesn’t help anyone.
Big News! Hurricanes and Black Holes both emit gamma-rays
You probably know what is coming. I have big news! In May 2018, a paper was published that should change our whole perspective on hurricanes and how they operate.
Gamma-Ray bursts were detected in hurricanes and these have the signature of having been created by an antimatter positron beam. Lightning has already been detected for some time now within hurricanes.
So we now have lightning, gamma-ray bursts and antimatter found within hurricanes found most strongly near their centres.
It’s starting to look an awfully like The Black Hole Principle.
As you probably know by now, The Black Hole Principle states that the same pattern goes throughout reality from supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies to even quarks. It is the same pattern expressed at different levels of reality. For some time now, I have been saying the Earth phenomena also fit into this black hole behaviour.
The Black Hole Principle
Instead of being guzzling monsters, black holes are actually creative. They give off jets and spirals of matter, antimatter and gamma-ray bursts. These emissions will happen in what seems to us a random pattern. The majority of the black hole actually exists beyond the speed of light. Light comes through the black hole, gets to the edge of our reality and splits into matter and antimatter. Sometimes these particles appear as electrons and positrons depending on what level of the universe is being observed.
This is why we see electrons almost at the speed of light coming out of black holes. And then sometimes they recombine and the matter and antimatter then form a gamma-ray burst. Water is often released as part of this process.
Could storms be mini black holes?
In Punk Science published in 2006, I stated that the Terrestrial Gamma Ray flashes that have been detected in thunderstorms are created by the same mechanism as black holes at the centre of galaxies. Since then, there has been much more evidence for this – NASA found antimatter from thunderstorms in 2010 and water has been found all over the cosmos including the largest body of water found in space in 2011.
So it turns out that Thunderstorms share many features with galactic black holes including producing water. It is the same mechanisms at every level of reality, it just looks different depending on which level you are looking at. So it is easy to predict what we should find in hurricanes if they are due to the same mechanism – gamma-ray bursts, fast-moving electrons and evidence of positrons as well as water production.
Evidence for the prediction – Hurricanes and black holes share characteristics
Image: Pixabay
With the discovery and publication in May 2018, we now have the evidence we were looking for that hurricanes behave in a way that is consistent with The Black Hole Principle.
I hope that with this new discovery we take the opportunity to understand hurricanes and other aspects of our weather and realise that the same mechanism is occurring here that happens in galactic black holes in space. In doing so we may be able to predict and even prevent some of the destruction that occurs due to these violent weather patterns.
In discovering gamma-ray bursts in hurricanes we open the door to a new era in science and one that could have major ramifications for humanity as a whole in terms of preventing future suffering.
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