Gamma-ray bubbles have been detected around the Milky Way for a few years. Why are they there?
An unexpected discovery
In 2010, the Fermi telescope discovered two huge bubbles either side of the Milky Way Galaxy. This was in the Gamma-Ray aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum. To this day, mainstream scientists don’t understand what these structures are caused by.
Credit: NASA
In falling debris?
Early ideas suggested that this could have been an ancient explosion. But these gas cloud bubbles are still moving so some people think they represent material which fell into the black hole at the centre of the galaxy before being accelerated away to almost the speed of light.
Further resolution of the image provides clues. We can now see bipolar jets, one of the hallmarks of The Black Hole Principle.
Credit: NASA
The Solution
The gamma-ray jets are being produced by the central black hole at the speed of light and particles are also being accelerated at near-light speeds.
As predicted by The Black Hole Principle, Betelgeuse is now getting brighter. We shall explore why this was predicted according to the theory.
Is Betelgeuse about to ‘go supernova?
As discussed in a previous episode of Punk Science TV, the world has been waiting with bated breath ever since it was observed that the star Betelgeuse has been dimming more than usual. The star actually has some variability anyway but recent months saw an unusually severe dip in brightness.
This got a lot of people excited that the star might be about to explode and ‘go supernova’.
Reality and Fantasy
Sadly for mainstream astrophysicists, their interpretations of how the universe works compared to how the universe actually works are very different.
As seen in my previous blog, The Supernova that refused to die, even stars that were supposed to have exploded long ago, can reappear again, much to the amazement of mainstream scientists.
The only theory to have predicted actual reality
That’s because they are not explosions. The Black Hole Principle is possibly the only theory of the universe to actually successfully predict the way the universe actually behaves.
We will talk about what happens at the edge of a black hole but every Black Hole Principle object from stars to volcanoes act in the same way. Due to the breathing motion at the edge of the black hole, we expect there to be fluctuations in light and radiation that is emitted.
The Black Hole Principle
The pattern of these emissions can seem random to us. Sometimes the bursts are regular, sometimes they are far apart and sometimes, so much radiation is given off that we are convinced that the star must have exploded.
In the case of Betelgeuse, it was thought to be the first time that we would witness a star before it exploded. But as I predicted, Betelgeuse has started to brighten again and has not exploded.
The Black Hole Principle predicts the universe yet again!
Once you understand The Black Hole Principle, who know how the universe really behaves and not just projections from outmoded ideas.
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We think of diamonds as rare gems created in the bowels of the Earth by the compression of coal, so why are there so many diamonds in space?
Diamonds are often found on Earth in vertical shafts called Kimberlite pipes. These are named after the diamond-rich town of Kimberley, South Africa.
Diamonds and black holes
I noticed there was a similarity between these vertical shafts and the bipolar jets in black holes.
I thought to myself, if I am right and diamonds are created in these energetic jets by the Black Hole Principle then there should be diamonds all over space.
Obviously we need to do some more work on this but it looks like diamonds are created by the Black Hole Principle and the intense pressures and energies in the jets.
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Why are jets coming out of the famous black hole at almost the speed of light?
Since 2003 when The Black Hole Principle downloaded into my consciousness, there have been many times when I have predicted the way in which the universe works and those predictions have been correct. And it was all the way back then, that I first published that black holes give out jets at the speed of light.
I hate to say I told you so!
So when the announcement came that the most famous black hole in the world, the one that was imaged for the first time in 2019, was emitting jets at the speed of light, I was not surprised. It is even in this announcement that jets or charged particles were seen coming out of the black hole M87.
Jets from M87 Credit: NASA
The Explanation
This is classic behaviour of The Black Hole Principle which says that most of the universe lies beyond the speed of light, beyond our normal perception. At the interface of the black hole, light spirals in from these higher dimensions and then comes to the edge of our reality where it splits into matter and antimatter creating material at just below the speed of light, because it has just slowed down to this dimension.
The Black Hole Principle
In fact, we see these jets around stars and planets too, all the way down to the quark level – it is the same pattern just at different scales.
Understanding The Black Hole Principle is key to understanding why the jets are close to the speed of light and why they are produced in bipolar jets.
Let’s face it, Black Holes are creative!
So what do you think of the announcement that black hole produce jets at the speed of light? Do you think it is time for a new paradigm in which black holes are seen as creative? After all, the 1:1 relationship of the ratio between the size of the supermassive black hole in the centre of a galaxy and the galaxy itself has been recorded for some time now.
It’s time we started calling a spade a spade: Black Holes are Creative!
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