Are you feeling stuck? Are techniques based on the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics not working in your life?
Enter a new reality – release the power of Black Holes and Cosmology with
Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality.
Watch the Video to Enter a New Reality
Yes! I would like Instant Access to Simply Divine
$32 fully refundable for first 30 days. Then it is $32 a month for the next 5 months unless you cancel. $192 in total. All at once access also available for $190. GBP and EUR pricing available.
Connect to the cosmos and other dimensions
Gain a new blueprint for your reality based on the latest physics
Feel the new sense of freedom from understanding this unique wisdom

Join the thousands of others Dr Manjir has helped move into a new reality with this multimedia home study program designed to transform your life with the help of the science of spirituality using the latest knowledge of black holes and cosmology, quantum physics, string theory and more.
This multimedia, transformational course unfolds over six months to give you the very cutting edge of science and how it relates to your world and your spiritual journey. There are videos, guided exercises, questions for self-reflection, audios and article downloads.
It all builds into a holistic overview of the cosmos and a totally revolutionary way to understand your own life. When you access the course you will be sent details of how to log in as well as instructions for navigating the course on both your computer, phone or tablet.
New modules will be released every month to take you to the heart of the black hole and back and show you how to use the science of spirituality for your life.
You will also get a year’s membership to The Conscious Science Club which will have monthly live tutorials with Dr Manjir where she will answer any questions you might have.
Month by Month breakdown of Simply Divine

Month Two - The Spirit Realms
- The Spirit Realms and String Theory
- What resides in the spirit realms?
- From angels to aliens.
- Guided exercise – connecting with your spirit guides
- Mediumship and the Holographic Universe
- Consciousness beyond the Brain
- The Art and Science of Channeling
- Connecting to your Galactic Consciousness
- Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children and full spectrum human beings
- Guided exercise – connecting to your inner indigo
Month Four - The Black Hole Principle
- Creating a new way of living from a revolutionary view of the cosmos
- Beyond the Perception Horizon and the speed of light
- Into the Black Hole
- As above so below
- The Science of chakras – including article download
- The Earth as a Black Hole
- Free will and choice in the new physics
- The Science of Astrology
Month Five - Understanding Polarities
- Integrating the shadow through the physics of polarity
- Antimatter and the aura
- The Dangers of Positive thinking
- Deeper into the Law of Attraction with the Black Hole Principle
- Guided exercise – how to access the perspective of your Higher Self Guided exercise – accessing abundance
- What really drives successful people
- Stepping into your joy
- Beyond service to unconditional love
- The true nature of forgiveness and judgment
Month Six - New Explanations for Ancient Concepts
- Kundalini awakenings and black holes
- Psychics and the Quantum vacuum
- Has the future already happened?
- Past Lives and consciousness science
- The God blob and other stories
- Guided exercise – preparing for your
- Twin Flame/ Ray
- The true purpose of relationships
- Non-locality and energy healing
- Guided exercise – experiencing energy
Don’t just take our word for it – get the buzz!
Watch the video below

Yes! I would like Instant Access to Simply Divine
$32 fully refundable for first 30 days. Then it is $32 a month for the next 5 months unless you cancel. $192 in total. All at once access also available for $190. GBP and EUR pricing available.
Bonuses included
There are many bonuses throughout the course but as soon as you sign up you will get instant access to the following bonuses plus The Conscious Science Club.
Instant Bonus 1 – Connecting with your Spirit Guides – a quick start guide.
Instant Bonus 2 – Daily affirmations to keep with you to connect with the science of spirituality no matter where you are.
Watch this introduction to The Conscious Science Club below.

Frequently Asked Questions – click the plus sign to see the answers
Is this course for me?
This course is aimed at people who already have some spiritual knowledge and awakening, maybe you have been using energy healing for a while, maybe you have spiritual experiences, maybe you are just interested and know in your being that this is your truth. There are many people like this who have the experience, they just want a simple explanation that will validate what they are going through.
Regular science is no good and a lot of the Science and spirituality books that are out there are pretty complicated and they are just 2-dimensional and flat.
This course is simple and uses many modalities and self study questions so that you can really immerse yourself according to your own particular learning style. I know that some of you will just resonate with this material and feel the call. You will just know that this course is for you. And don’t worry, you can change your mind – see the 30 day guarantee.
What support will I get when taking the course?
As soon as you get access to Simply Divine you will recive a welcome email as well as access to the first months’ course material and bonuses. Then every week you will get an email reminding you of the journey you are taking and connecting you back to your spiritual space.
You wil also get access to The Conscious Science Club where there is a forum with other people taking the course who can chat with other about the journey they are on, ask each other questions, share and keep each other motivated.
We all know what it is like when we are on this spiritual journey and how isolating it can feel this time. This is a place where you can connect to others going on this journey too.
Dr Manjir will drop in to the forum and you can also email her if you are getting stuck.
Once a month Dr Manjir will be live to answer your questions so leave them in the forum for her to see. You will be emailed details of when the live Q&A is happening but don’t worry if you miss it as it will be recorded and placed into the community area.
If you have technical questions they can also be dealt with by emailing the support team or creating a support ticket. Details of this will be in your Members Area.
I’m really busy, I don’t think I will have time.
We all have so many demands on our attention these days; how do we take the time out to do this for ourselves? So I will be sending you emails every month detailing how much video content there is for the month so that you can best manage your time.
We also have the forum to help you keep each other on track too. At the end of the day, there are TV programs, social media and smartphones but this course is about getting to the heart of you. If you really want to further your own spiritual journey and have fun, you will want to find the time.
Only you will know if you feel the call.
Do I get to keep the course?
Yes! The course, including your responses to the exercises, are yours to keep. You can access the videos and course materials from within the Members Area.
I’ve done a lot of courses before, why is this different?
There are many reasons why Simply Divine stands out. The combination of science with spirituality coming from a global expert on the subject is one. The unique explanations of principles in your own life based on black hole science is something you will not see anywhere else. The high quality production levels of the materials is another. We have worked hard to make these videos engaging and not just a ‘talking head’. The exercises are all specially designed by me for this course. It is all meant to create a real change in the way in which you see reality.
Will I get access straight away?
Yes! Once you register you will receive a confirmation welcome email with details of how you can access your course in a secure Members Only website. Once you login for the first time to the Members area you will get to a Welcome Page which contains a special video on how to login and navigate your course on your computer and even your tablet or mobile.
It’s really easy to navigate but we just thought you might appreciate these extra instructions so you can find your way around.
Your bonuses are also on the welcome page.
Once inside the Members Only course area, your first month’s modules for Simply Divine will be ready and waiting for you.
Can I get all the modules at once?
Yes! In the time I have been running this course there have been requests from students to access all the modules at once so this is now available. Whichever package you pick, you will still receive weekly emails from me highlighting the modules for that month so that you are drawn back to your course and can really take the time to appreciate it. The Conscious Science Club recordings will also be available. Plus you can join in on the live calls.
What if I don’t like it - do I get my money back?
Spiritual development is one of those things that happens differently for everyone. For some people this will be just what they are looking for, but from my long experience speaking to many different audiences, occasionally this is just not right for someone’s journey. I would hate for that person to be concerned about a course that they really couldn’t understand or resonate with so if you have tried it for a month and it really is not for you, I get it and in that case, get in contact and we can offer you a refund.
More buzz about the course!
Her vision of black holes changes everything. If you’ve not seen it, then I suggest you do so pretty soon
Whether you are just starting out, or well along your path as a multi-dimensional being, this workshop will connect you with insights to support your quest and satisfy your Soul.
An utterly brilliant, practical and life changing set of tools are woven together with humour and irresistible sparkle.
Yes! I would like Instant Access to Simply Divine
$32 fully refundable for first 30 days. Then it is $32 a month for the next 5 months unless you cancel. $192 in total. All at once access also available for $190. GBP and EUR pricing available.
A summary of the course format
Simply Divine 6 Month Course
Guided Exercises, Downloads, Videos, Audios
Private printable worksheets for transformation
Membership Platform Support including Navigation Video
The Conscious Science Club Community and Blog
Open Badge award gives ‘real world’ credit on Completion
Instant Bonus – Daily affirmations
Instant Bonus – Connecting with your Guides
Monthly Live Q&A with Dr Manjir
Certification on Completion
Discounts on further courses with Dr Manjir
30-day money back guarantee

This course is part of the Mozilla Open Badges scheme so you can earn internationally recognised credit in the ‘real’ world for completing your virtual course. More information on Open Badges and their benefits inside the course.
Sounds good! I’m ready – what sort of price are we talking?
We all know how expensive it is to attend a workshop – there’s the fees plus the travel, food and accommodation. It adds up to thousands just for one weekend.
But you can get started for just $32 (USD) and try Simply Divine in the comfort of your home for a whole 30 days. After this trial, the course will continue for the full six months. You can cancel at any time. Or you can get all the modules at once for $190. You will still be covered by the guarantee.
So start your journey into Higher Dimensions, Black Holes and Quantum Physics and experience your life becoming Simply Divine.
Try the first month of Simply Divine today for just $32
Monthly Release of 39 ModulesMonthly Access to Modules
Instant Access to Bonus Material
Weekly content emails
Conscious Science Club Community and Blog
Monthly Live workshops with Dr Manjir
Support ticket Centre
Open Badge qualification available
Certificate of Completion
- After the initial 30 day trial, if you decide to continue on the course you will be charged $32 a month for 5 months = $192 in Total. (Also in GBP and EUR – click currency on order form to change)
Get immediate full access to Simply Divine for $190
Immediate Release of 39 modulesInstant Access to 39 Modules
Instant Access to Bonus Material
Weekly content emails
Conscious Science Club Community and Blog
Monthly Live workshops with Dr Manjir
Support ticket Centre
Open Badge qualification available
Certificate of Completion
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
- $190 Total. (Also in GBP and EUR – click currency on order form to change)

Spiritual development happens differently for everyone. Occasionally this is just not right for someone’s journey and they should get in touch to obtain a full refund. There is a time limit of 30 days for refunds from signups due to the live input that Dr Manjir provides on the course.
For full Terms and Conditions click here. Please read through them on signup to make sure you agree to the Terms.
For Privacy Policy click here.
By embarking on this course you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Results Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent all products and services on this site. There is no guarantee that you will get specific results by following the ideas in these materials. Examples and testimonials in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee.
Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in the materials depends on several factors, such as your background, motivation, commitment, and actions. Since these factors differ according to individuals, Paradigm Revolution and Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton cannot guarantee your success, nor are responsible for any of your actions. Results may vary.
Yes! I would like Instant Access to Simply Divine
$32 fully refundable for first 30 days. Then it is $32 a month for the next 5 months unless you cancel. $192 in total. All at once access also available for $190. GBP and EUR pricing available.