Welcome to the Paradigm Revolution
This is the home of The Black Hole Principle – The Universe Decoded
The Black Hole Principle is a vision of the Universe that unites galaxies with atoms and everything in between.
- With one single, elegant process we can explain and predict phenomena across the universe.
- In this way we can understand not only the way the universe works out in space, but also planetary phenomena such as those on Earth.
- Understanding The Black Hole Principle can have far-reaching effects on humanity both far from home and on our own planet.
- Please explore this website to discover how The Black Hole Principle can explain various aspects of the universe.

Latest Blog Posts and Videos
What creates Saturn’s rings?
What creates Saturn's rings? Did you know that scientists still don't know what created the rings of Saturn? In this episode, we look at the data from the Cassini probe to see if it can shed light on this enigma. A cosmic mystery First spotted by Galileo, Saturn's...
The Mystery of Earthquake Lights
Mysterious Lights have been spotted around Earthquakes but what is causing them? An elusive mystery For 300 years, people have been recording mysterious lights that sometimes appear around earthquakes. For many years these reports have been dismissed but recently,...
Winking Black Holes
Is a black hole winking at us? A Galaxy named 1ES 1927+654 became the object of attention for astronomers when it went through a 40-fold increase in brightness in March 2018. They started discussing 'winking black holes'. In this article, we discuss what is meant by...
Fast Radio Bursts – finally solved!
Fast Radio bursts are one of the biggest mysteries in science today. You may have heard of them because scientists are so stumped as to what is causing them that they are inventing all sorts of theories. Even that they could be alien communications! So that's what we...
Why do comets have jets?
We are used to comets having long tails but recent investigations show us that comets give off fine jets, but why? The Old Picture of Comets We tend to think of comets as snowballs in the sky with long tails. Ancient people used to think that they were...
Mystery Neutrinos, Antarctica and Parallel dimensions
Have scientists found evidence of a parallel dimension in Antarctica? Recently a story went viral that scientists had found evidence of a parallel dimension in which time travels backwards. So this is what we are looking at today on Punk Science TV: Mystery Neutrinos,...