Who really was Mary Magdalene?
Is there any evidence for the existence of Jesus?
What are their hidden teachings and prophecies?
Why do so many people feel drawn to find the answers?
Watch the video to find out more
Get Lifetime access to the Magdalene Mystery School recordings for just £45
The Live calls have ended but you can still access the school and the recordings.
Plus get monthly live support on your journey from Dr Manjir with The Conscious Science Club

Many of us have been feeling it. From all walks of life and all parts of the world.
We feel a deep connection to the lives and events at the turn of the first millennium
It could be through dreams, visions or just a knowing. That the story we’re told is not the whole truth; there is something deeper. Something that has been hidden for centuries.
The time is now. To gather together to share our experiences. To meet our soul family
Hi, I am Dr Manjir. I am a former medical doctor and the author of the book Punk Science. I too have been feeling the call and I’ve met many others who are waking up to it too.
By entering the Mystery School today you will have instant access to the entire recordings of each workshop, plus interviews with Magdalene teachers and the exclusive blog articles.
I’m also going to be sharing concepts from my new book The Magdalene Prophecies which includes some radical theories about who Mary Magdalene really was and her actual significance for humanity.
Together we can create the new story
If you feel drawn to join this gathering then enter the Magdalene Mystery School.
We are open to receive you.
Enrolment starts now.
I’m curious, but I would like to know more details.

What is the Magdalene Mystery School?
It is an online secure community space where people who have an interest in Mary Magdalene and related subjects can connect.

How do I join?
By clicking the links on this page you will be taken through to a registration procedure. When this process is complete you will be able to access the community space.

What is the community space?
The community space is a private membership site that is hosted by a software company called Simplero. Only people who have registered for the community space can access it. It will be accessible via a browser on both desktop and mobile devices with workshops requiring a free app.

What is inside The Magdalene Mystery School?
There is a forum, a blog with articles and interviews. The Recordings of the live calls are also available with worksheets and exercises exploring topics to do with Mary Magdalene and more.

Who is Dr Manjir?
Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton is an award-winning author, speaker, TV presenter and mediapreneur. For over 20 years she has been exploring the edge of science, consciousness and mysticism.

Is she a 'real' doctor?
Dr Manjir qualified as a medical doctor from the University of London in 1997 before becoming a medical GP in 2001. She also qualifed as a bio-energy practitioner with the Plexus Institute in 2000.

Is this a cult?
Most definitely not! The Magdalene Mystery School has the exact opposite message – that empowerment comes from within and any attempts to worship Dr Manjir as a cult leader are strongly discouraged.

Is this New Age?
The Nature of this material will explore mysticism and so people interested in so-called ‘New Age’ topics will most likely be interested in this site. However, the content also includes discussions of science and archaeology.

How much does it cost?
Lifetime access to the Magdalene Mystery School including the module recordings and a year’s access to The Consious Science Club is now only £45

Can I cancel when I want?
You can gain a refund in the first 30 days after purchase and your access to the Mystery School will end.

What help is available?
By enrolling in the Magdalene Mystery School to access the recordings, you will also be entered into The Conscious Science Club for a year. Dr Manjir will be available live on the call to answer any questions. You can also email her or post your questions below the module or in the community forum.

Are you going to charge my credit card?
Your card will only be charged on first purchase. After that, you will have access to the Mystery School. An invoice will be issued.

Can I get a refund?
Yes refunds are available for 30 days after purchase. Full terms and conditions will be given on registration.

Who is this space for?
You probably know if this space is right for you. I have aimed it at those people who are interested in the mystical side of the Mary Magdalene Story and feel a connection to the Divine Feminine or more. There is a strong scientific element to the site too where biblical issues are discussed with evidence and archaeology.

Who is the Space NOT for?
This is NOT a site discussing orthodox Christian theology. My message for very religious people is that I suggest you go elsewhere. If you have an open mind and are drawn to this material then you are the most likely to enjoy and benefit from the site.

Are you criticising religion?
Absolutely not. Through an examination of ancient Scriptures and even forensic evidence, this material aims to get to the heart of what most religions and spiritual traditions are about. This site will be respectful of your background. If you are of a fundamentalist faith then this site is not going to be for you as we are going to be exploring alternative ideas.
Watch video to see inside The Magdalene Mystery School.
Get Lifetime access to the Magdalene Mystery School recordings for just £45
The Live calls have ended but you can still access the school and the recordings.
Plus get monthly live support on your journey from Dr Manjir with The Conscious Science Club

Praise for Dr Manjir and The Magdalene Mystery School
You taught us so much and we enjoyed and benefited from your Seminar very, very much.
Finally! I’ve found someone else who can see the width, breadth and depth of the truth!
Thank you for your great wisdom and knowledge Manjir!
Places are limited to ensure a quality experience
Enter the Magdalene Mystery School for just £45 Lifetime Access
Get Lifetime access to the Magdalene Mystery School recordings for just £45
The Live calls have ended but you can still access the school and the recordings.
Plus get monthly live support on your journey from Dr Manjir with The Conscious Science Club

Spiritual development happens differently for everyone. Occasionally this is just not right for someone’s journey and they should get in touch to obtain a full refund. There is a time limit of 30 days for refunds from signups due to the live input that Dr Manjir provides on the course.
The course contains full Terms and Conditions of the course within the Membership website Simplero or Jigsawbox according to which applies to you. Please read through them on signup to make sure you agree to the Terms.
Results Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent all products and services on this site. There is no guarantee that you will get specific results by following the ideas in these materials. Examples and testimonials in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee.
Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in the materials depends on several factors, such as your background, motivation, commitment, and actions. Since these factors differ according to individuals, Paradigm Revolution and Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton cannot guarantee your success, nor are responsible for any of your actions. Results may vary.