The End of Science?
Scientists are running out of ideas. Is it time for a new paradigm?
With so many changes going on in the world, it feels like we are coming to the close of a civilisation. In this article and video, I discuss if we are at the end of science?
The Collapse of Empire
From the Ottomans to the Roman Empire, apparently there were a few signs that heralded the demise of all civilisations.
One is the debasement of currency, another is the celebration of sporting stars or gladiators depending on your era, another is the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor and another is the rise of celebrity chefs.
I think we can agree that we have seen quite a few of these recently and it seems like massive debasement of currency is just around the corner.
With the startling events of 2020, most people in Western civilisation may be waking up to the possibility that we are seeing the beginning of the end – that the dismantling of empire is coming soon.
Where are all the breakthroughs?
And so it is with Science and its breakthroughs in the understanding of the nature of reality. Although the 20th Century seemed awash with groundbreaking ideas such as the theory of relativity and quantum physics, more recent attempts to create breakthroughs of that magnitude haven’t borne fruit.
In a visit to the Perimeter Institute in Canada, journalist Daniel Cossins reported back to New Scientist magazine in January 2019 about the state of theoretical physics and it was not entirely optimistic.
Neil Turok, the director of the Institute explained that when he entered physics in the early 80s, “it stopped being successful”. And later in the article, Turok is quoted as suggesting that we disregard the past 30 years and retrace our steps to figure out where we went wrong.
One of the key issues is the lack of one unified theory that unites the very large structures in space, such as galaxies, with the very small, such as atoms. Although certain theories in physics have been very successful at explaining some aspects of the universe.

Is there something that unites all processes from the very large such as galaxies to atoms Image: Shutterstock
We need a new paradigm
We need a new paradigm in physics. I believe that The Black Hole Principle can contribute to that new paradigm. It has successfully predicted behaviour at several levels of the universe such as antimatter from thunderstorms, water from black holes, methane on Mars and much more.
At a time when civilisation and ideas are running out, it is time to move to a new paradigm that places consciousness at the heart of both science and civilisation.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
I love your email updates But the volume is really low, I can hardly hear what you are saying. maybe it’s my computer? Any way is there some way to “pump up the volume”?
Thank you so much, Teri and you are not alone. I will crank up the volume in future when I am going live!
Hi Dr. Manjir, Bjørn from Norway here. I do feel that a new paradigm is defrosting in direct correspondence with the thawing of the hearts of humans. Personally I use the behaviour of celestial objects, orbits, denisty, matter-transfer and so on instead of psychology in order to inspire people to look at their patterns of behaviour. One can only be controlled by another object(forced orbit) if one holds a certain density in ones emotional body, and so on.
Hi Dr Manjir 🙋🏻♀️
I first discovered you during an interview with Regina Meredith. You blew my mind!
I’ve always felt corporate (mainstream) science lacked “Truth” Close minded and general group think, isn’t allowing new ideas to flourish. They mock and woo woo anything they can’t control. So it seems to me.
I hope like Dr Robert Schoch and Graham Hancock your ideas will soon be opened to the masses.
Have you met Dr Nassim Haramein? I think the two of you could change the world.
Wishing you all the best,
Thank you so much, Sarah. Glad you appreciate my work.
I do know of Nassim and did quote him in my 2006 book, Punk Science.
Thank you for your good wishes
Hey Genius!
How are you, darling? Right back at ya!
Manjir Samanta-Laughton I’m great. Working like a Nutter on revamping the website. Editing the movie and taking over the world. Bit like you really lol
Dani Kidssoulspeak Henderson Love it!