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To say I have been through a major crisis is an understatement. As some of you know, I went through a period of time when I lost my marriage, my career and home all within the space of a few months. I also faced an investigation into my mental health by the medical authorities instigated by my ex-husband during our split.

Suffice to say 2002 was a real crisis year and without the principles of the universe that I already knew about, I am not sure I would have got through it in the way that I did. So the scientific discoveries I had been making, even until that point were crucial in my recovery.

So here are the tips that helped me to get through a crisis gained from my awareness of how the universe works. I hope they help you.

1) Everything is a mirror of your emotions at some level even if these emotions originate in past lives.

Before this major crisis, I feared an investigation by the medical profession due to my spirituality. Of course, that is what I manifested. But on the flip side, once I was through it, I was through my biggest fear and although my bank balance suffered, I felt liberated.

During the investigation an interesting phenomenon happened – I developed a dark mark around my neck. I wondered if it was a noose mark leaving a multidimensional imprint from a hanging in a past life. I was with some spiritual people discussing the medical investigation into my mental health and I pointed out the mark.

One woman immediately piped up,”noose mark”. It was as if a fear regarding persecution from the authorities had leaked into my current life and was creating this investigation. The mark disappeared after a few days.

Sometimes it will take some searching but it is possible to find the emotional cause of events in your life. When I am working with clients, I scan their current lives, past lives and their multidimensional selves. It is in this way that we can often get to the root cause of what is holding someone back in the present moment. If are interested in having a multidimensional coaching session then get in touch with me using the contact page. 

2) Your Higher Self sets up lesson from out of space and time to help you to understand and grow.

The purpose of life is NOT to feel comfortable but to learn the maximum amount whilst we are incarnated. This is how you grow your consciousness which is all you take with you when you eventually leave this world. But you are not a victim in all of this; an aspect of your own being can see the big picture from beyond space and time and it is this aspect of you that sets up your life lessons.

We are all multidimensional and it is from this perspective that we set up your life lessons. I knew even in the height of my difficulties that I had set this up myself in order to get me on my true path. And indeed I left the medical profession and have been on my true path ever since.

3) A crisis is feedback.

Even in the midst of the worst argument or conflict you can see the reflection of your shadow. Take a mental note of what you pick up from a situation about yourself and journal on it later. A simple example – say somebody is arguing and hurling names at you, make a mental note of what these names are and if any of them hurt more than the others.

if you feel triggered by what is said, then there are probably some underlying emotions that you can do work on later by journalling for example. You may actually believe what is being said about you at a subconscious level.

I am not suggesting you necessarily try to do this in the heat of the moment, but by shifting your awareness like this, the crisis may shift too. So a crisis becomes a feedback opportunity for your own growth.

4) Ask for help

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Realistically, I think very few of us bare our souls to others outside of our family. We often give the impression that everything is wonderful as we are afraid of the shame and the vulnerability that comes if we say that we are going through a hard time.

However if we do reach out to a friend when in a crisis you will be surprised at how people will gladly come to your assistance. Some will leave your life but they were probably looking for you to confer some sort of status on them and, if you are not matching up to their projections, they will leave your life and that is OK.

But there will be some friends who are genuine and if you reach out to them in a crisis you may find that they are true friends and you depend on them in a crisis.

5) Be kind to yourself and try doing nothing.

Do the minimum that you have to do to get by but otherwise rest and do nothing for periods of time. In this time your emotions will be working themselves out so it may look like you are doing nothing but internally you are working like crazy.

Taking this time will help you to heal in order to move onto the next stage of your life. So don’t feel guilty for doing nothing – this is a really essential step for your recovery during a crisis.

I hope this has given you some tools for handling the next crisis you go through. If you would like some more strategies that come from the deeper understanding of the cosmos then have a look at Simply Divine – an easy guide to the Science of spirituality. Click the button below for more.

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