Fast Radio bursts are one of the biggest mysteries in science today.
You may have heard of them because scientists are so stumped as to what is causing them that they are inventing all sorts of theories. Even that they could be alien communications!
So that’s what we are looking at in this episode of Punk Science TV.
An unexpected signal
In 2007 a scientist named Duncan Lorimer was looking over old data from the 1990s for new insights on pulsars when his student found a huge spike that everybody else had missed.
It was a burst of radio waves that had so much power in a short time that it would have taken the equivalent of all the energy of the solar system to produce them.
It wasn’t very certain if they were an artefact or not but after a while, scientists were finding more of these Fast Radio Bursts or FRBs and they are one of the biggest mysteries of space.
Characteristics of FRBs
What we know about FRBs
1. They emit huge amounts of energy in a short time – we are talking about thousands of a second in some cases.
2. They are coming from various places in the universe including our own galaxy.
3. They can sometimes repeat themselves after days or even hours.
Sometimes the source becomes quiet and we haven’t seen them repeat yet.
4. FRBs come in different strengths.
Alien Radio?
Explanations that have been put forward have included everything from alien communication to neutron stars colliding. We also have a favourite – they are being emitted from objects called Magnetars which are like neutron stars with strong magnetic fields.

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/S. Wiessinger
(And let’s not forget – these are made-up objects anyway to try and explain the effects we see in space! We haven’t actually seen them directly.)
Chasing the Gamma Rays to the Black Hole
Well, we are now tracking the source of the FRBs and have found that Gamma Ray bursts and X-rays are found in the same area at around the same time.
These are barn door characteristics of The Black Hole Principle.
1. You have the power emitted in a short amount of time, much more than can be explained easily. That’s because the energy is entering into our dimension from infinity.
2. The seemingly random patterns – emission over seconds, hours, days, months or even years can be possible.
It’s the breathing process of the black hole principle that can seem random to us.
3. FRBs are coming from all over space which would be expected as BHP is fractal in nature.
4. And they are associated with gamma-ray bursts and X-rays which I have long spoken about as the consequence of the antimatter, matter and light cycle at the edge of the black hole.

The Black Hole Principle
There are lots of types of energy emitted by BHP and this includes microwaves and radio waves.
Easy and Effortless
You don’t need any weird explanation for FRB. The universe is effortless. It breathes at every level.
So does this mean there are no aliens in space? No! But you don’t need to evoke aliens to explain FRBs when you understand the Black Hole Principle. It all becomes easy.
What do you think? Have FRBs been solved? Leave a comment below.