Access your Genius – Exercise

Access your Genius – Exercise

In this exercise, which you can access by clicking on the audio stream below, you can experience how to access your Genius to solve a problem.

We are all multidimensional beings and exist beyond our physical bodies. Aspects of ourselves that we sometimes call the Higher Self, exist in consciousness levels beyond space and time.

This is where we get that intuitive sense of knowing – warnings of danger and other intuitive experiences. This is because these aspects of ourselves actually know the future.

However, we are not meant to always be in touch with this aspect consciously or we would not get anything done at all on the Earth plane.

But we can tap into this wisdom when we need to. Sometimes we can do this to get the solution to a problem we may be facing. In this exercise I will take you through the steps of accessing your inner wisdom to solve a problem.

Image: Shutterstock

Please let me know how this exercise has helped you in the comments below.

For more on The Genius Groove: The New Science of Creativity click here.


Soleira Green on Genius

Soleira Green on Genius

In 2009, I caught up with one of my favourite wisdom teachers, Soleira Green.

Those of you who have been with me from the old days of 2004 and the Children of the New World Conferences will remember her fabulous talks.

Since then she has founded so many initiatives as a visionary coach and genius accelerator but most of all Soleira is so ahead of everyone else’s teaching that she is impossible to define.

If ever anyone is constantly evolving the ‘new’ it is her and her network.

In this interview, she gives a succinct explanation of genius a long time before the rest of the world caught up to this way of thinking.

She explains how true genius is the place where the inner and outer genius pool meet and that tapping into this meeting place can be taught.

Enjoy the interview. There is more about The Genius Groove here. Find out more about Soleira Green and Genius here.


Forgiveness: you’re doing it all wrong!

Forgiveness: you’re doing it all wrong!

In this article we are going to be talking about Forgiveness. Is there something in your life that you just can’t seem to let go of? Has someone in your life really bothered you? You know you should forgive them but you just can’t forget or let go of what happened.

This happens to a lot of people – they know that forgiveness is something they should strive for but can’t quite get there which makes them feel even more guilty.

It’s no wonder, as the way in which we are taught to forgive makes it difficult. I think we are taught to forgive in a way that is all wrong; we are told we should forgive and forget and it feels that we are letting that person off the hook.

This also makes us feel that anybody can do anything to us and we will say it is OK. This can make us feel vulnerable to being attacked again in the same way by that person and that we will just let them off the hook.

It is healthy for us to have boundaries and personal integrity so the usual advice on forgiveness can cause conflict within us. So how can we get peace from the memory of the situation without feeling like we are allowing someone to get away with it?

First – you don’t need to forgive the person or be open to them do it again. What they did was not OK by you, you don’t want that to happen again.

Forgiveness, Emotional Freedom


If you change your perspective and realise that it is not the person that you need to let off the hook, but to understand the situation, then you can move towards healing within yourself.  You need to understand and process why the situation has come into your life. Once you get that ‘aha’ moment then the inner shift can occur so that you can move on from the emotions.

In Simply Divine we discuss how the Black Hole Principle implies that we have aspects of our consciousness out of space and time beyond the speed of light. This is what is traditionally called the Higher Self.

This is the aspect of us that chooses our lives and everything that happens in it. The key to our healing is to move towards an understanding of why our Higher Self has introduced a particular incident and the healing journey that this has engendered.

What has been this gift in this?

Just asking the question ‘what has been this gift in this?’ can shift the entire feelings about a situation. Sometimes this type of work is so effective that the situation will not affect us anymore and we will feel much more free.

For more information on how you can access Simply Divine click here.

Main Image: Shutterstock


The Quantum Physics of Big Magic

The Quantum Physics of Big Magic

In this article, we shall be examining the science and quantum physics of Big Magic. In the book, Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, she describes how she had an idea for a very specific type of novel with a particular type of plot and characters. Although she got a contract to write the book, she never got round to it as life intervened and she had the immigration struggle of her husband to deal with.

Elizabeth Gilbert author of Big Magic

Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Big Magic
By Steve Jurvetson from Menlo Park, USA (Amusing Muses) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

When she got back to the book, the impetus had left and she didn’t write it. So it was with amazement that she hooked up with another writer friend whom she had just met and not shared her plot with and essentially this friend was writing the same book only the details such as location had changed.

They had not conferred and there was nothing that the publisher could have said. Gilbert concluded that the book itself had needed to be birthed and as she herself had not done it, the idea had simply gone to someone else. Gilbert elaborates throughout the book on how ideas exist somewhere waiting to be birthed in partnership with us.

She admits that she doesn’t understand how it works. In The Genius Groove, I outline how, with the scientific knowledge that we currently have, we could explain the creative processes that Gilbert describes.

This model flips the usual explanation of consciousness around. Instead of consciousness and information being produced by the brain, the whole universe is created from consciousness as posited by some quantum physicists.

Even mainstream physicists discuss how all we can really know about the universe is information. When we get down to the tiny subatomic level, we find that reality is more ethereal than we first thought. When it comes to an electron, for example, we cannot say why it always has a charge. We don’t know what is powering it. We can just say that the information of an electron is that it has an electric charge.

The Quantum Physics of Big Magic

Science tells us that the universe is filled with information. Is this the source of our creative Big Magic? (Videoblocks)

So even mainstream scientists would agree that a fundamental aspect of the universe is information. In the new model of creativity the brain is not the generator of consciousness or information as the brain itself is made up of atoms. The brain is an organ that has a particular purpose to act as a conduit for information.

Concepts from Quantum Physics say that we are living in a dynamic field of light the Quantum Vacuum. From what we have discussed before – we know this field contains information.

We can now put the science behind Gilbert’s experiences. Projects, Poems and books can exist in the field, ready to come through the brain of a ready recipient.

So the idea for the novel existed as a wispy idea in the information field ready for someone to receive and download the full novel. Maybe we should change the name from ‘Big Magic’ to ‘Big Informational Field Brain Processing’!

But I don’t think it will catch on. Essentially Gilbert has written a detailed description of her experience of creativity without proving a mechanism. Why should she? Science especially paradigm revolutionary science is probably not her thing.

Luckily we have a The Genius Groove for a fuller explanation complete with scientific references.

Check out The Genius Groove here for more.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that in Big Magic, Elizabeth Gilbert is describing the Quantum Field? You can comment below.

Image: Pixabay

The Flipside of Spirit

The Flipside of Spirit

Entering the Flipside of Spirit

I have seen it many times, someone undergoes a spiritual awakening and the world becomes all sunshine and rainbows. They just can’t believe their luck and the new world that has opened up to them. They meet people who are psychic and who want a world filled with possibilities and beauty.

Simply Divine

Image: Shutterstock

They explore community living, chakras, crystals, tarot. They pinch themselves that just a few months ago they were wondering if there was more to life and now here they are in New Age play land.

Making these new connections it suddenly seems possible that a new Earth could arrive very soon – a beautiful utopian land based on love and peace.

And them boom – life hits them in the face and they are pushed to the point of near disillusionment. They experience events which makes them question everything they have just learnt.

This can take the shape of three phases

1. Betrayal

Usually what happens first is that the oh-so-lovely spiritual people that our new age newbie has just encountered show themselves as they really are – people so keen to escape their issues that they have wandered into the fluffiness of the New Age.

But their emotional traumas remain and show up just as before. This is even more confusing for the newbie as people seemingly so full of love and light up front turn around and act in a vicious manner.

This feels to the newbie as even worse then the ‘normal’ world they thought they had left as at least people there were more upfront about being ruthless. This is a pretty common occurrence for some stepping on the spiritual path.

2. Life events blow up

The Flipside of Spirit, Simply Divine


Another very common occurrence is that shortly after waking up spiritually, life events occur in the person’s life that can bring them to their knees: divorce, job loss and more. This blow up can cause most people to turn their back on spiritual awaking yet it is often not possible. Once out of the box, it cannot be put back in.

Often people lose out on the financial income that they enjoyed before. Many people have immense spiritual skills but they can’t find a way for these skills to lead to financial support.

It seems that the worlds of the spiritual and that of the material are very far apart. They start to lose faith in their own spiritual journey and become disillusioned with it all as ‘airy fairy’ nonsense that is not practical. They don’t see how to keep their integrity and make money.

3. The Road to Integration

This is the Flipside of spirituality and it can be painful. But this doesn’t have to be the point when someone jacks in their journeying and exploration (not that it is possible anyway). Andrew Harvey speaks of undergoing the initiation of the light and then the initiation of the dark.

The truth is we need both to become fully integrated on the journey. We need the dark and the light, the conscious and the subconsciousness, the spiritual and the practical, the immaterial and the material, the matter and the antimatter. If you follow my work you will know what I mean by that last example.

Road to integration, Simply Divine

Image: Shutterstock

If you can ride the storm through this initiation of the dark and understand it for what it is you will be able to become a more integrated and clearer person. You can exist in the realms of the dimensions as well as have a job if this is what you want.

You will be able to see a lot of the New Age types for who they often are – people escaping from childhood emotional traumas. This means you will have a more balanced view of people and of the world that will put you in better positions than the initial floaty escapism that characterises spiritual newbies.

I am not judging this phase either – I have totally been there myself – we all have. It just becomes very confusing and I hope this article helps people to realise they are not alone in having similar issues blow up in their face. They don’t have to completely reject their spirituality when this happens but can move forward in a more integrated way.

In truth it is your own subconscious emotions and shadow self that are exploding and this is what is reflecting in the world ‘out there’. This insight will help you to navigate some of the most difficult storms.

I have created an online course called Simply Divine which is designed to help you to navigate the shifts including the dark night of the soul and connect more deeply to spirit. To find out more about Simply Divine click here.

Simply Divine button

Physics and consciousness – a dialogue at last.

Physics and consciousness – a dialogue at last.

Physicists generally avoid discussing consciousness. It seems to be too ethereal a subject for them really to get hold of. It forces them to enter a world outside of calculations and experiments and examine the world of human behaviour which is far less predictable and controllable.

But the past twenty years has seen a shift in science as a whole where the once forbidden topic of consciousness is coming to the forefront. Possibly because it is the last frontier and people are running out of other topics to study for their PhDs.

Yet it was still a surprise when Max Tegmark, a theoretical physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge tackled the problem in 2014 and published a paper suggesting that Consciousness could be a state of matter. You can read the abstract here.

You can see his TED talk below.

He is basically arguing that consciousness is not something external that is animating matter, but a consequence of the way in which matter is arranged mathematically.Tegmark himself states that there are many gaps in his idea.

One that really springs to mind for me is what happens when people are clinically dead and then are resuscitated? Or how much of a rearrangement is necessary from moment to moment for a being to be alive at one point and then dead the next?

Questions and gaps aside it is good to see that such a prominent physicist actually tackling the question at all as he open the gates for others to consider the topic too.

Of course here at Paradigm Revolution we have been discussing consciousness and matter for many years. You can get started by exploring this website or checking out Simply Divine which is an easy guide to the Science of Spirituality.

Image: Modified from Shutterstock

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