by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | May 27, 2020 | Punk Science, Science
Conventional Scientists believe that black holes burp on their food! In this episode of Punk Science TV, we explore this concept.
A Ridiculous idea
Scientists tend to think of people like myself as spouting a load of New Age spiritual nonsense. In some cases such as when the word ‘ quantum’ is bandied about amongst healers with no real mind to its actual context in physics, these accusations may have a case.
However, there are times, when mainstream scientists are the ones who come across as ridiculous. So in this example, we are discussing the concept of burping black holes.
The wrong monster
As you may know, the prevailing concept amongst mainstream scientists is that black holes are these great devouring monsters that tear apart stars and anything else that comes too close.
However, once the actual evidence began appearing, it became clear that black holes are visible because they are so bright and that also give off a lot of energy and material.

Old Picture of Black Holes, Shutterstock
Burp after the feast
Unable to give up their long-cherished notions that black holes are destructive monsters, these jets that are being emitted from black holes are then turned into ‘burps’.
The idea is that the black hole has feasted and then burps on its food.
This is lazy science.
The Projection game
Rather than realise that their concepts and theories do not match the evidence, they invent ‘burping’ black holes. Human characteristics are being projected onto objects in space as a way of coping with behaviour we don’t understand.
We understand that humans sometimes burp after eating a big meal so we have projected that onto black holes in order to avoid the thorny issue that, according to their own theories, nothing should escape a black hole.
Jets are predicted by The Black Hole Principle
Intermittent jets streaming from black holes are exactly what we would expect in The Black Hole Principle which says that black holes are creative.
We do not need to project any nonsensical ideas onto black holes if we understand that they are just a natural part of the universe unfolding.

by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | May 24, 2020 | Punk Science, Science
Bizarre though it seems, stars are shooting out water. We take a look at the link with The Black Hole Principle.
This is a topic that I think should be discussed more often; water is ejected from stars in space that are extremely hot. It sounds like science fiction but it is true.
Water has been detected coming from stars including our own sun.
Young star ejects water bullets
There is an example of a young star 750 light-years from Earth which is ejecting water jets from its poles at a speed of about 124,000 miles per hour. ESA’s Herschel Space Observatory, which spotted this, seems to have detected water in liquid form before it vapourised. Then it became liquid again once it had travelled far from the star.

Is it raining on the sun?
Closer to home we have also seen water vapour being emitted from sunspots as early as the 1990s. It isn’t just young and middle-aged stars that have been spotted ejecting water. We have also seen it coming from brown dwarves too.

So what is happening?
Predicted by The Black Hole Principle
These findings, which mainstream scientists don’t often discuss, makes total sense in The Black Hole Principle. According to the theory, we see water ejected in jets at every level of the universe. We do indeed have evidence for this. We have witnessed water coming from supermassive black holes in galaxies as well as in thunderstorms (as rain) and geysers here on Earth. It is the same pattern. That’s why both supermassive black holes and our weather systems eject antimatter and gamma rays.
So we would expect stars to be ejecting water. In fact, this is possibly the only scientific theory in the world which expected to see water from stars.
And why from poles and sunspots? Because in the Black Hole Principle the bipolar jet configuration of ejection is quite common. As for sunspots – the sun is in a fractal pattern of black holes. Sunspots are smaller black holes on the larger black hole central to the sun.

Insights into the theory
These findings also give us some insight into the mechanism of the Black Hole Principle itself. The paper that said that water is found in liquid form near the gas jets from the stars could give us some clue if water is being ejected by The Black Hole Principle fully formed as a molecule. It would suggest it could be.
The concept that stars emit water doesn’t fit the pattern of mainstream science though which is why I think that these findings are not discussed very much if at all.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | May 13, 2020 | Punk Science, Science, Simply Divine
A New Scientist article, published in May 2020 suggests that the whole universe may be Conscious.
The Hard Problem
Science still doesn’t understand how we can experience..anything!
It is sometimes called the hard problem of consciousness – how all these neurons and chemicals in our brain give rise to our inner experiences.
Now some Mathematicians think they have made a breakthrough.
We will be discussing the New Scientist article on this subject in this episode of Punk Science TV.
I’ve got IIT
This new, mathematical theory of consciousness is called Integrated Information theory or IIT.
It says that a system’s consciousness arises from the way information moves between subsystems.
You can see neurons as islands of subsystems.

According to this theory, consciousness appears when the information flow between these subsystems is complex enough to make the islands interdependent.
Changing the flow of information on one island affects all the others.
How well a system integrates information is given a value called phi.
The higher the phi the more consciousness a system will display.
An example of a situation in which this theory works well is when contrasting the cerebrum and cerebellum. Cerebral damage affects our consciousness more because it has a lot of connections – so its phi value is high.

The Cerebellum isn’t so well connected, so damage doesn’t have as much effect on the conscious experience.
The theory has its drawbacks too.
- A major one is that the value of phi actually can increase in our sleep.
- It also still doesn’t explain our inner experiences, how does this theory explain our experience of the smell of coffee for example.
- Some inanimate systems have more consciousness than humans.

Usually, the concept of inanimate objects or even the whole universe having the property of consciousness is just dismissed but, in this article, they discuss that particles may have some sort of consciousness that is fundamental and human and animal consciousness emerges from this.
The Conscious Atom
The article goes onto consider whether even electrons are conscious and how this may explain the measurement problem in physics – how the wave function collapses with our measurement or observation.
So the idea that everything might be conscious and there is something fundamental about consciousness is being discussed in mainstream science.

This idea forms the basis of The Black Hole Principle – it is the reason why we can’t see light beyond light speed – because it is beyond our normal perception. Consciousness is written into the fabric of reality.
It’s good to see mainstream scientists also discuss these issues.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | May 12, 2020 | Punk Science, Science
Wildfires create thunderstorms – are these mini black holes? If so, are they the cause of the fires? Because we know that thunderstorms are created by the same mechanism that creates black holes in the centres of galaxies, the possibility then exists that the lightning exuded by the clouds associated with wildfires could actually be the cause of wildfires and not just a consequence of them.
In this article, I ask the audacious question, do black holes create wildfires?
Wild devastation
In early 2020, the world was rocked by the devastating news that wildfires across Australia had caused massive destruction and the near extinction of some species. It isn’t just Australia which suffers such losses.

Other countries such as the USA also regularly experience wildfires. It is assumed that there is an initial spark probably caused by the sun or even human carelessness. Vegetation that has dried out provides ample fuel for wildfires to quickly go out of control.
Wildfire storms
There is a phenomenon associated with wildfires that caught my attention: the storms that appear alongside wildfires that can sometimes produce lightning thus spreading the fire even further.
So what is happening here? Conventional science, of course, doesn’t fully understand how lightning is generated as discussed here so wildfire storms are even more poorly understood. In case you are thinking that they are caused by friction and static build-up in clouds, think again as this theory has long been disproved by scientific data.
Dangerous clouds
What we can observe associated with wildfires is that a type of cloud called a Pyrocumulonimbus. It was originally thought that these clouds were rare but now scientists are realising that they are a fairly common occurrence with wildfires. These clouds produce lightning but do not always produce rain.

As you can imagine, the lightning from these clouds can ignite further fires and worsening the situation.
But knowing as I do, that thunderstorms show the same characteristics as larger black holes in space, I decided to investigate wildfire storms. What I found was very intriguing.
Intriguing characteristics
Although the pyrocumulonimbus clouds are associated with wildfires, they are very similar to those found around volcanoes. This, of course, is to be expected according to The Black Hole Principle theory, because each level of the universe is working according to the same pattern.
It has also been found that wildfire storms are able to shoot material high into the Earth’s atmosphere, to the point where they have been mistaken for volcanic eruptions.
Again this would fit with the bipolar jet activity that we see associated with black holes from galactic centres all the way down to quarks. These clouds have also been witnessed showing vortex behaviour – similar to a tornado.
Rarely, sometimes there will even be a fire tornado associated with bushfires.
I then found myself wondering, have we got things the wrong way round? Do black holes create wildfires?
The Black Hole Principle and Wildfires
We know that Black Hole Principle activity fluctuates; they are sometimes active, sometimes not. They appear in different areas at different times. This is what gives this and other planets their weather systems.
So maybe what is happening in some wildfires is that black holes themselves initiate in an area, these create lightning which ignites the dry vegetation causing the fire to spread. We see further mini black holes in the area which create the pyrocumulonimbus clouds, lightning strikes, ejection of material high into the atmosphere and sometimes rain.

Sure, some wildfires are created for other reasons such as human negligence but effectively the ones created by lightning are being created by mini black holes!
By understanding The Black Hole Principle better, we may be able to manipulate the behaviour of black holes around forests and help to control the initiation of wildfires thus preventing the widespread destruction that they cause.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | Apr 30, 2020 | Paradigm Revolution, Punk Science, Science
The End of Science?
Scientists are running out of ideas. Is it time for a new paradigm?
With so many changes going on in the world, it feels like we are coming to the close of a civilisation. In this article and video, I discuss if we are at the end of science?
The Collapse of Empire
From the Ottomans to the Roman Empire, apparently there were a few signs that heralded the demise of all civilisations.
One is the debasement of currency, another is the celebration of sporting stars or gladiators depending on your era, another is the increasing disparity between the rich and the poor and another is the rise of celebrity chefs.
I think we can agree that we have seen quite a few of these recently and it seems like massive debasement of currency is just around the corner.
With the startling events of 2020, most people in Western civilisation may be waking up to the possibility that we are seeing the beginning of the end – that the dismantling of empire is coming soon.
Where are all the breakthroughs?
And so it is with Science and its breakthroughs in the understanding of the nature of reality. Although the 20th Century seemed awash with groundbreaking ideas such as the theory of relativity and quantum physics, more recent attempts to create breakthroughs of that magnitude haven’t borne fruit.
In a visit to the Perimeter Institute in Canada, journalist Daniel Cossins reported back to New Scientist magazine in January 2019 about the state of theoretical physics and it was not entirely optimistic.
Neil Turok, the director of the Institute explained that when he entered physics in the early 80s, “it stopped being successful”. And later in the article, Turok is quoted as suggesting that we disregard the past 30 years and retrace our steps to figure out where we went wrong.
One of the key issues is the lack of one unified theory that unites the very large structures in space, such as galaxies, with the very small, such as atoms. Although certain theories in physics have been very successful at explaining some aspects of the universe.

Is there something that unites all processes from the very large such as galaxies to atoms Image: Shutterstock
We need a new paradigm
We need a new paradigm in physics. I believe that The Black Hole Principle can contribute to that new paradigm. It has successfully predicted behaviour at several levels of the universe such as antimatter from thunderstorms, water from black holes, methane on Mars and much more.
At a time when civilisation and ideas are running out, it is time to move to a new paradigm that places consciousness at the heart of both science and civilisation.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments below.
by Dr Manjir Samanta-Laughton | Apr 22, 2020 | Punk Science
Why do we perpetuate lies about lightning despite the evidence? In this article, we will examine lightning and lies.
There are 40-100 lightning strikes per second around the planet.
For something that is so common you would think that we have an explanation for lightning.
But that’s where you would be wrong. Because not only do we not have an explanation for lightning but people lie and pretend that we have it all sussed out.
But we know this, don’t we?
You are probably thinking – we do have an explanation for lightning. It’s a basically big form of static electricity.
Just as when we walk across a dry carpet, get charged up, touch a metal door handle and get a shock, so it is with lightning and clouds in thunderstorms, only bigger.
The usual story
You may have even heard an explanation like this one.
Clouds contain ice particles and hail that rub together and get charged up. The negatively charged particles fall to the lower part of the cloud and the positively charged particles to the top.
This causes the positive charges on the ground to build up and eventually there is a spark of lightning between them
This story is being told to children everywhere.
There’s one problem.
It isn’t true.
The Evidence
We have done experiments to show that not nearly enough charge build-up in clouds to create lighting with the characteristics that we observe.
And for negative charges being at the bottom and positive at the top – turns out there are positive charges at the bottom too.
So why do we perpetuate the lies?
Covering the Discomfort
Because we don’t have an explanation for something that is very common on the planet.
It’s easier to ignore the scientific fact that the static electricity hypothesis has been disproven than face the fact that we cannot explain something that happens on our planet over 40 times a second.
With the Black Hole Principle – the same mechanism that occurs at the centre of a galaxy occurs in thunderstorms – hence we find antimatter, gamma rays and x-rays in thunderstorms just as we do in black holes. Not to mention water!
We also find bipolar jets in storms just as we find in black holes.

The theory can also explain the power of lightning and thunderstorms because The Black Hole Principle is powered by infinite light!
It’s time we stopped lying to children and paid attention to the scientific facts.