When being green means attachment to 3-D
When being green means attachment to 3-D What I am about to say is probably going to trigger a lot of people but here goes. Some of the 'green' sentiment that occurs in the "eco-warrior" world actually represents feelings of attachment to the three-dimensional plane....
The Supernova that refused to die
The supernova that refused to die and what it can tell us about our universe There are many articles in popular astronomy news that attract my attention because they report cases where the universe does something that defies current explanations. This is for the...
Why I think the Concept of your Best Year Ever is nonsense
As I am writing this it is nearing Christmas 2017 and a lot of people are selling courses and promises of facilitating a fantastic year in 2018. But how realistic is it to have a great year one after another? Here's why I think the concept of your best year ever is...
What to eat when you are dimensionally aware
Fruit or Friend? Amazon just sent me an email highlighting their Vegan-friendly gifts. It included t-shirts and shopping bags with the slogan 'Eat fruit, not friends'. This immediately made me feel conflicted as it implies that there are certain objects in life that...
Bigger Magic from before the dawn of time
Introduction What is it that happens when we step into our creativity? In this article, we shall look at embracing your creative journey actually creates a new way of living that is like tapping into a Bigger Magic from before the dawn of time. Elizabeth Gilbert's...
The Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle
Is there a link between the Shroud of Turin and The Black Hole Principle? In this video lecture I explain how I think they might be connected. But how did I get interested in this subject in this first place? On lazy Sunday afternoons by the fire, James and I watch...
The Near Death Experience on Hidden Science
In terms of studying consciousness, the Near Death Experience or NDE could be giving us valuable evidence indicating that consciousness continues after death. Indeed, the phenomenon of the Near Death Experience leads us to face a fundamental question; does our...
Top 8 Predictions of the Black Hole Principle that even made me gasp
When I received The Black Hole Principle through a vision in 2003, I knew it to be the truth of how the universe works. Pretty soon, the evidence for it started to mount up and as it did, it became clear that the theory was excellent at predicting the behaviour of...
A Shakespeare by any other Face
A Shakespeare by any other face would be even more lucrative it would seem. You couldn’t make it up...except they seem to be doing just that. William Shakespeare is obviously the most famous playwright and poet in history. But we have very little in the way of...
Angels on my TV
In 2007, I was invited to the studios of Press TV in West London alongside the world-renowned author, Diana Cooper to discuss the Science of Angels. But soon I was also discussing some of my angelic experiences. The whole day was pretty amazing as the Press TV studios...