Why do comets have jets?
We are used to comets having long tails but recent investigations show us that comets give off fine jets, but why? The Old Picture of Comets We tend to think of comets as snowballs in the sky with long tails. Ancient people used to think that they were...
Mystery Neutrinos, Antarctica and Parallel dimensions
Have scientists found evidence of a parallel dimension in Antarctica? Recently a story went viral that scientists had found evidence of a parallel dimension in which time travels backwards. So this is what we are looking at today on Punk Science TV: Mystery Neutrinos,...
Do black holes burp?
Conventional Scientists believe that black holes burp on their food! In this episode of Punk Science TV, we explore this concept. A Ridiculous idea Scientists tend to think of people like myself as spouting a load of New Age spiritual nonsense. In some cases such as...
Stars are shooting out water
Bizarre though it seems, stars are shooting out water. We take a look at the link with The Black Hole Principle. This is a topic that I think should be discussed more often; water is ejected from stars in space that are extremely hot. It sounds like science fiction...
Is the whole universe conscious?
A New Scientist article, published in May 2020 suggests that the whole universe may be Conscious. The Hard Problem Science still doesn't understand how we can experience..anything! It is sometimes called the hard problem of consciousness - how all these neurons and...
Do black holes create wildfires?
Wildfires wreak havoc. They are also associated with lightning storms which we know are mini black holes Could black holes create wildfires?
Is this the end of science?
The End of Science? Scientists are running out of ideas. Is it time for a new paradigm? With so many changes going on in the world, it feels like we are coming to the close of a civilisation. In this article and video, I discuss if we are at the end of science? The...
Lightning and Lies
Why do we perpetuate lies about lightning despite the evidence? In this article, we will examine lightning and lies. Introduction There are 40-100 lightning strikes per second around the planet. For something that is so common you would think that we have an...
Five things you probably didn’t know about The Moon
Five things you probably didn't know about the Moon Here are five mind-blowing facts you may not have realised about our closest neighbour 1. The Moon is flashing at us and we don't know why For many years now we have seen flashes on the Moon. They last between a few...
The Milky Way suddenly got brighter and nobody knows why.
A Bright Mystery In August 2019, Scientists spotted that the centre of our own galaxy, The Milky Way became 75 times brighter in just a few hours. It was in the Near-infrared spectrum so wasn’t visible to the ‘naked eye’. This was an increase far greater and faster...