In this episode of Punk Science TV, we discuss the latest news about TGFs in relations to The Black Hole Principle.
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A shocking finding
So the topic of the video is the mysterious weather phenomena known as elves and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes or TGFs as they are known. As seen in the article that is being discussed in this episode, when TGFs were initially discovered, they were a big surprise. Nobody expected to find them in the Earth’s atmosphere and associated so strongly with thunderstorms. TGFs are basically the same things as Gamma-Ray bursts and we see these powerful emission coming from outer space which is what the telescope was initially looking for.
I really want to emphasise that this was a tremendous surprise to find basically the same phenomena associated with black holes in space that conventional astrophysicists think are massive explosions, happening over our heads in something as common as thunderstorms. We didn’t even know until the telescope and satellite-era that thunderstorms were so ubiquitous with hundreds of lightning strikes on Earth every minute. TGFs associated with thunderstorms have also been found to be extremely common.

Image: James Gordon Graham
Mysterious lightning
Really to say that we understand our weather fully is ludicrous as we don’t even fully understand the basic mechanisms behind lightning. Yet quite frankly it doesn’t stop some idiots from nodding sagely that this is all to do with global warming. If you had no idea that TGFs existed until the 1990s then the science of thunderstorms is in its infancy. You cannot possibly know everything about the complex relationship with climate yet.
And it was only in 2011 that NASA announced that antimatter was found in thunderstorms too. Again, despite how common storms are on this planet, there is no adequate explanation in mainstream science.
Elves too are highly energetic optical phenomena similar to auroras.
As I have been pointing out for over a decade, the same mechanism that occurs in galactic black holes also is at work in thunderstorms producing matter, antimatter and gamma-ray bursts. Auroras and elves are yet another point of correlation.
So this is just more evidence to say that TGFs, elves and thunderstorms correspond to The Black Hole Principle. I hope you enjoy this new format of the blog. Leave a comment below to let me know what you think and sign up so you get new episodes to your email inbox.
Fascinating..what a brilliant mind you have and looking good! Your family must be very proud of you. Hope you and James are thriving.xx Anona
Anona Blackwell Thank you so much. Glad you found it interesting.