As predicted by The Black Hole Principle, Betelgeuse is now getting brighter. We shall explore why this was predicted according to the theory.
Is Betelgeuse about to ‘go supernova?
As discussed in a previous episode of Punk Science TV, the world has been waiting with bated breath ever since it was observed that the star Betelgeuse has been dimming more than usual. The star actually has some variability anyway but recent months saw an unusually severe dip in brightness.
This got a lot of people excited that the star might be about to explode and ‘go supernova’.
Reality and Fantasy
Sadly for mainstream astrophysicists, their interpretations of how the universe works compared to how the universe actually works are very different.
As seen in my previous blog, The Supernova that refused to die, even stars that were supposed to have exploded long ago, can reappear again, much to the amazement of mainstream scientists.
The only theory to have predicted actual reality
That’s because they are not explosions. The Black Hole Principle is possibly the only theory of the universe to actually successfully predict the way the universe actually behaves.
We will talk about what happens at the edge of a black hole but every Black Hole Principle object from stars to volcanoes act in the same way. Due to the breathing motion at the edge of the black hole, we expect there to be fluctuations in light and radiation that is emitted.

The Black Hole Principle
The pattern of these emissions can seem random to us. Sometimes the bursts are regular, sometimes they are far apart and sometimes, so much radiation is given off that we are convinced that the star must have exploded.
In the case of Betelgeuse, it was thought to be the first time that we would witness a star before it exploded. But as I predicted, Betelgeuse has started to brighten again and has not exploded.
The Black Hole Principle predicts the universe yet again!
Once you understand The Black Hole Principle, who know how the universe really behaves and not just projections from outmoded ideas.
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