The Disclosure Distraction
You may have noticed people discussing the concept of UFO Disclosure. This is the idea that governments, especially that of the USA, are going to admit they have already been in contact with UFOs and extra-terrestrial intelligence. Sometimes it includes the possibility that the public at large is going to be exposed to alien contact in the not too distant future. But as we shall see, I feel that this is taking people away from accessing the dimension within. It is what I call, The Disclosure Dimension.
Over the period of 20 years, I have watched various phases of intensity of anticipation that the US government is going to admit that it has had UFO contact. Some may even be hoping that all details about a Roswell UFO crash, Area 51 and other potential evidence of alien visitations to this planet will be finally revealed.
I am not denying that this could indeed happen and that humankind may, in the near future, start to get used to contact with aliens, but in my mind, the whole Disclosure scene is a big distraction.
Some of the main proponents may even be government agents, creating this distraction so that people who are waking up spiritually pay more attention to the idea that governments are in charge of human and alien contact than their own empowerment.
Alien worlds within
The truth is that each and every one of us has the potential to have alien contact at all times, most of us just do not know it. And I see the whole Disclosure movement as one that is misleading people as to the nature of aliens.
The Disclosure movement perpetuates the notion that aliens exist in the same way that we exist: as flesh and blood, three-dimensional beings. So people who are waiting for Disclosure are on the lookout for something physical – a craft or a body. They are expecting something they can pick up and touch.
But what this does is keep people from exploring their inner space, where they would find they have a hotline to ‘alien’ realms anyway. Whether or not it intends to do so, the Disclosure movement distracts people who would otherwise be spiritually awake and keeps them looking at the government instead, waiting for a physical UFO to appear complete with little aliens.
In short, the Disclosure movement distracts you from your true heritage and abilities – your multidimensionality.
The Alien Dimensions
I say ‘physical’ and flesh and blood vs dimensional beings but in reality, nothing is physical and solid. We know that from over a century of scientific investigation. We also know that there are strong reasons for the idea that we are living In a universe of many dimensions of reality.
As I have written about extensively elsewhere, the universe is one of many dimensions of consciousness. We are in just one of them. This is probably why so much of the universe is hidden to us in so-called dark energy and dark matter. We are aware of so little around us.
There are myriads of dimensions of consciousness and they are brimming with all sorts of beings from what we would call ghosts to fairies to angels and aliens. Aliens are not extraterrestrial but interdimensional. The UFOs, alien encounters and abductions that are reported are due to the ability of beings to cross dimensions. In fact, all paranormal and supernatural activity is down to other dimensions leaking into this one.
In the case of what we call aliens and UFOs, they seem to have developed the ability to come into our world at will. One of the tell-tale signs of this, I think, is the peachy orange glow that many people report seeing around UFOs. I think this is an artefact of the step-down process to take something from another dimension and bring it into this one.

Orange UFO Image: Graphicstock
Alien contact is happening now
Aliens exist and they exist all around us in different frequencies. If we were to tune into these frequencies we would see them too. People throughout the ages have been doing this. Some have been taken out of our dimension and into theirs against their will. This is called alien abduction.
Sometimes people are able to see alien beings and receive messages from them. This is called mysticism clairvoyance and channelling. Multidimensional people have long known that we are not alone.
There are growing numbers of mystics now as the human race is evolving. I have encountered many people who have experienced beings in their bedrooms at night. The stories are fairly similar. I myself have seen UFOs several times and interacted with the consciousness of them too. I have myself seen a being in a different dimension at night and went on a journey of consciousness that confirmed all that I am saying here. I will link to that article later.
The Disclosure within

Inner access to Dimensions Image: Pixabay
What is stopping most people from experiencing the same is the personal development required to become more interdimensional. Most people won’t even go there because these things are deliberately ridiculed and hidden in our society.
A big part of this is also because rulers throughout the ages have gained their power source from beings in different dimensions and they don’t want the general public to find this out, hence the ridicule of anybody who suggests it.
So when it comes to Disclosure, understand that you could be being distracted from true contact. That contact is within you and you don’t need to wait around for a government agency to reveal this to you.
Let’s take back our power collectively and develop our own minds and consciousness into accessing other dimensions. This is when we will have the true disclosure within. To explore the connections between Higher Dimensions in science and ‘alien’ consciousness, check out Simply Divine: an Easy Guide to the Science of Spirituality.
Main Image: Deposit Photos.
Thank you for this post!! I have always known there’s other beings around us, and growing up even when I was 3 I knew that inter dimensional beings existed, and I would see them frequently. Over time as I gained my personal power back, and instead of being fearful towards them, I started sending out unconditional love and light and demanded the respect I gave them to be shown back. That was the moment instead of fearful, negative experiences I started getting more positive ones. Also I will just see any type of being, they will look almost like moving energy, you can see the world around you vibrate if you look the right way, and when there’s an inter dimensional being, it will look as if that spot they are in is vibrating slightly different.
Also lately, every time I got outside and its a clear night, when no one else is around I have these two different space crafts shine their light for me to see briefly and it comes with this intense feeling like love and light and higher vibrational energy is being poured all over me. It makes me cry, I know for a fact it is not a satellite, not human made or anything explainable. There’s always two together, which I feel like are part of the Family Of Light, with the Pleiadians, the Sirians, The Arcturians, the lyrians , And many more. They started showing up once I dedicated to sending love and light and healing energy to all other beings no matter who there are or where they reside. I am beyond blessed and thankful for their presence
Seems like you have had some amazing experiences, Tia. Thanks for sharing your encounters. I wonder if you are being activated by these crafts at the moment. How amazing that you have the wisdom to have chosen loving experiences and respect for yourself. I totally agree with the different vibration of beings all around. It’s a pleasure to hear from someone who is so tuned in. Thank you for ‘dropping by’!
I was not blessed with your gift Samanta dear but your idea and experience needs attention.
A friend of mine did have an interdimensional experience, she thought they were dreams. Well, during sleep it is possible, isn’t it to get into another realm.
As YOU say those “aliens” are able to materialize! I think this happens automatically when penetrating into our dimension! But why? To study? To teach? To help us to evolve?
In our human history these kind of experiences had happened for sure but the interpretation differed on the level of that society’s developement. Even some religions appeared after such interpenetrations of some gifted people. They explained them according to their stage of spiritual developement, as Ken Wilber put it.
I might not be right. But your idea turned me around to think to that possibility!
We, here in Cluj Romania, are passionately watching History Channel where late in the evening those disclosures are shown! Some do not believe anything, some are open saying who knows?
Thanks for your wonderful articles!
An old aquintance: Irene
Thank you so much for your input. It is wonderful that these discussions are happening all over the world.
Dr Hank wesselmans work especially the spiritwalker trilogy,explains accessing different realms full of multi dimensional beings., We need to get away from distraction and take our place in the shamanic realms
That is our true heritage. Thank you for dropping by.
I wouldn’t think of Disclosure is a distraction, but as an augmentation. The “UFO” phenomenon may have interdimensional origins or aspects to it that is part of a bigger interdimensional picture, but the UFO phenomenon being studied today has certain consistencies that suggest we are witnessing a particular non-human society that is interacting with Earth in specific and planned ways according to policies that it has enacted. It has developed certain types of craft (mostly circular, globular, or “cigar-shaped”). Even if their ultimate source is another dimension, when they enter ours, they and their craft become subject to the physical laws of this universe where they can crash and die like any other object that is manifest in this universe. That’s the risk they take when they enter here. Many ufologists think that some governments are covering up conclusive evidence that these objects are manifesting on Earth (and perhaps even crashing sometimes when they do), and this is the “Disclosure” that such ufologists seek. In the meantime, the kind of work that you and others have done about the possible interdimensional aspect of this phenomenon is very valuable. I don’t think that there is any conflict between the two approaches; in fact, I think they complement each other very well.
Thank you for your comment. Although complementary at times, we also need to guard against the elements that are being paid to distract us and keep us in 3D. Focusing on the Government releasing data doesn’t empower us. All has its place in waking people up.
The opening of inner dimensions is so intensive at the moment, that the illusion of the scenario “change will come from the outside” is obvious…
Thank you for your viewpoints… love them a lot
Thank you so much, Gabi.
While I agree with some of your points, I feel that you are marginalizing the Disclosure movement as a whole. I recently attended Contact in the Desert and the attendees and certainly the speakers were not as (what I would say you view them as) shallow and physically/materially focused as you describe. Also, talking negatively about other groups as a whole is not forward movement and only creates more division.
Hi Beth, Thank you for your comments. Although I am sure some people in the movement are helpful and the movement as a whole is waking people up, when I see these elements designed to distract people, I am going to speak up. I am about helping people remember their heritage and whilst there are elements in this movement that help there is a lot of language that is about 3D and this is a distraction. Thank you for dropping by and providing your input into this debate.