There is a growing awareness of a discrepancy in the world – there are a few people who have the power and they keep the rest of us under control. Some people are becoming aware of other levels to the control such as alien or reptilian beings. Whatever your take on this, this concept can create fear. So this time we are going to be doing a Meditation on Integrating your Inner Lizzie.
The Point of no Return
In the year 2001, right after the 9/11 incident, I was visiting some friends. They had the TV on which was showing a memorial ceremony for the people who died in the event. My friend asked me if I could see ‘them’. He was referring to the interdimensional beings that were around the senior politicians of that time. Until that point, I had heard the concept that interdimensional beings were controlling our world leaders, but thought it was far-fetched.
But as I watched this memorial, my vision somehow shifted and suddenly I saw them. They were standing behind certain public figures and were psychically attached to them. They were tall and almost integrated into the humans that they followed.
I was stunned. Suddenly David Icke did not look like the nutter that everybody thought he was. I now literally could see what he was talking about. And so began a period of my life where I began to consume a lot of material about the controllers of the world. I avidly read the book by David Icke called ‘The Biggest Secret’ and learnt about The Money Masters and other aspects of what is known as conspiracy theories.
Intergalactic Tank Girl

A woman dressed up as the Tank Girl character at a Cosplay event
I began to feel that we were in a battle and we would need to literally fight interdimensional beings who secretly controlled our world and created perpetual wars. Like some Intergalactic Tank Girl, I felt I needed to ready myself as a warrior. Underneath all of this was a very real emotion – FEAR. Reading about the hidden controllers of the planet was making me fearful. You see this new paradigm I had fallen into was all about separation: them and us.
Integrating the Light Strand
One day that all changed. I was pondering to myself about the fact that we share our DNA with reptilian beings and whoosh something happened. I understood the unity. It was as if a light strand had plugged into place in my being. I realised that no matter what, we are all part of each other and every being is a part of the unconditional love that pervades the entire universe.
From that moment on I was no longer fearful and let go of the idea that I needed to be a Tank Girl warrior. I know there are very real issues going on in the world but starting with separation and perpetuating that stance isn’t going to help.We are all from the same source ultimately and it was with this consciousness that we need to move forward. It isn’t enough to have unity consciousness about things that you like and having it all go out the window for something that you don’t like.
The Human Game
Some years later I had a vision and I saw that just as humanity, as a collective, were descending from source and higher dimensions, a bit split off and it is this split that became our nemesis. We did this to ourselves because we are THAT powerful. We needed to create for ourselves the grit by which we will grow. The human race are not victims, they are more powerful than we can imagine. We are here playing a game to learn.
But we created that game out of love for ourselves to grow. It is hard to see that from a 3D perspective when all we see is suffering and death and I don’t mean to say that the pain should not be expressed at that.
But there is a big picture. Ultimately we will all go on to a different plane and we take our learnings from this incarnation.
So we have created a nemesis for ourselves from the fullness of our being as a human race.
Integrating your ‘Inner Lizzie’
But what can we do to alleviate the fear? Well, I have a process that I call Integrating the Inner Lizzie. I actually was requested to speak on this by one of my readers and we recently did an online meeting when a meditation spontaneously arose to heal the Inner Lizzie. It was quite powerful and I have noticed the different feeling I have afterwards.
So I am including it for you here for you to stream for free.
This was part of The Conscious Science Club which comes free for 12 months when you buy Simply Divine. If you are interested in more content like this then have a look at Simply Divine – an Easy guide to the Science of Spirituality.
What do you make of this week’s blog? Do you think this is all nonsense or do you think coming out of fear at the politics of the world is a good idea? Let me know in the comments below.
Images: Pixabay, Wikicommons
Oh Thank you
I was in fear of the meditation at first but trust you and your work with Unconditional love
So I felt the fear and did it anyway.
I have lately come to realize that suffering is required. Looking back over my life – always the most growth has happened and is continuing to happen as a result of some kind of anger within in me at a situation or person or role or circumstance and then coming out the other side feeling grateful for where I ended up because of the experience. Also having great love for those who were part of it. I know all my needs are being met by the Universe and sometimes these situations that seem horrible in the moment definity are the catalyst to meet all
My needs beyond my wildest imagination.
I love having been given the opportunity to see more closely into this with you as my guide.
Much Love to you!
Thank you Elvrine. I am glad this was useful for you. Thanks for dropping by.
Thank you for this unusual meditation, Manjir. It encourages me to remember that the best way not to be controlled by fear is to stay connected in some way to the divine love which transcends all separation, allowing our inner light to dispel the darkness in which fear can take hold. Even “the Lizzies”, as Barbara Marciniak playfully calls them, have had a role to play in the dramatic stories that all contribute to the body of human experience, providing opportunities to choose the Light and create meaning.
Thank you, Tom. I am glad the meditation was of help and I thank you for your insightful comments.
Hello Dr. Manjir,
Surprisingly I enjoyed the meditation with a vision that illustrates what you you were guiding into. A perfect meeting go Light and Dark that merged in a personal way. Very interesting and confirming (kind of soothing) your way of bringing consciousness more conscious.
Sometimes I do not feel at ease with your style, but I do resonate with your insights and I would like to mention that I have brought your work into my book about Water! Including Black Holes :+) best wishes, Giovanna (Universalis is my writers name :+)
I am glad you enjoyed and got some benefit out of the meditation. Sorry, you do not sometimes feel at ease with my style. I would love to know more about your book on Water. Thanks for dropping by.